Wash 12

Teddy stood in front of the towering glass skyscraper,

gripping Cliff’s business card in one hand and seven massive laundry bags

in the other.

He tilted his head back, marveling at how stupidly high this building was.

How can people even breathe up there, Teddy silently wondered.

Adjusting his grip, he trudged through the glass doors,

the strong scent of detergent and bleach trailing behind him like a personal air freshener.

The sleek, marble-floored lobby gleamed under golden chandeliers,

and every single person inside looked like they’re definitely wall street material.

They belong here. This is their world. THIS is Cliff’s world.

There were some seconds when Teddy felt like stepping back.

He sighed. Where did this confidence came from?

From the laundry, I guess.

As he passed by the mirrored walls,

Teddy glanced down at himself—faded jeans, a slightly damp white shirt, and

sneakers that had survived one too many rainy laundry runs.

He made his way toward reception, ready to announce his presence,


A security guard suddenly appeared in front of him,

snapping his fingers right in Teddy’s face like he was trying to wake a sleeping giant.

“May I help you, sir?” The guard's eyes scanned him up and down

with the intensity of a crime scene detective analyzing his every details.

His eyes narrowed straight at Teddy’s laundry bags.

His nose wrinkled. “Or rather… may I help you leave?”

Teddy squinted. “Uh, yeah. I’m here to see Mr. Cliff Sinclair. Is there a way

that you can notify him that I’m here?

The guard smirked, “Why don’t you see our CEO by his office, that’s more

convenient as he’s a very busy man.”

Cliff is a CEO. Did he heard it right?

Teddy felt the weight of Cliff’s business card on his pocket. “Where’s his office?”

The guard’s fake polite smile appeared. “Of course, sir. Right this way.”

Before Teddy could react, two more security employees materialized

like backup dancers, grabbed him by both arms, and—WHOOSH.

He was airborne.

His legs are literally dangling up in the air.

The doors automatically slid open, and Teddy plus Seven Laundry Bags

were hurled outside like an Olympic shot-put event.


Teddy landed on the pavement, sprawled in the middle of his own defeated laundry pile.

The security employees dusted their hands like they dealt with a pile of trash.

“Have a super day,” the guard chirped, flashing another fake smile.

Teddy sat up, bleach fumes clouding around him, blinking.

“But—I need to see Cliff I just need to talk to him about something—”

“Oh sure, buddy.” The guard patted his shoulder. “In your dreams fucker.”

Teddy scowled. “Huh?”

In my dreams. Yeah like hell.

Teddy stood up, gave a finger to the passerby’s that laughed at him,

brushed off his pants, picked up every single laundry bag,

and stomped right back inside.

The guard’s mood flipped instantly from sassy customer service to bouncer at a VIP club.

His hands clenched, he crack his neck, his left eye twitched,

“Some people just never listened.”

he was about to personally launch Teddy back into the afternoon sun again—

When suddenly—

“THERE you are! I’ve been waiting for your for ages, why so late???!!!!”

A woman with thick glasses and corporate power, she’s Cliff Executive Secretary

just appeared out of nowhere,

practically sliding into the scene like she was stealing home base,

caught the guard off guard.

Teddy blinked. “Hi, but I’m sorry, I don’t think I know you.”

"Oh, finally, we meet! Don’t be silly—I’m your aunt!

I know this is a lot to take in, but it’s been years since I was home.

You were just a tiny thing when I left, and now look at you… all grown up."

The executive secretary casually flips Teddy’s hair in place.

"I’ve already spoken to your mom, and trust me, she’s on board with this.

If you get hired here, it’ll be a game-changer—not just for you,

but for her too. Just imagine—once you’re settled, you can bring her here.

I’ll even help you find a nice, spacious apartment for both of you."

She gives Teddy a reassuring pat on the shoulder as she noticed couple of lint on his shirt.

"But for now, you’re in good hands with me, so don’t worry.

We just have to play this smart." (leans in and whispers)

"When you meet the CEO, make it crystal clear that you’re interested

in the Merger & Acquisitions department. That’s where the real money

and future promotions are, got it?"

She grabbed his wrist, yanked him forward, and started

speed-walking at a pace that would give Olympic sprinters a complex.

The guard followed them as he tries to keep up with

their pace while preventing his jaw from literally dropping.

There are things in life that are really tough to process,

and this is one of those things. “Wait—Ma’am—”

But it was too late.

Teddy—plus all his overstuffed laundry bags—were swooped

into an elevator before he could even process what the hell was happening.

Inside, the woman adjusted her glasses, sizing him up.

“My sister was right— you are really weird and you’re a work, aren’t you?”

Teddy frowned. “Uh, sorry, who are you again, I think we’re

in the middle of some kinda misunderstanding?”

Cold eyes glared at Teddy, “Misunderstanding? Do you know why I left

home? Because your mom stole my man. Yes that’s the biggest misunderstanding

in my life. I hated your mom at that time but now, when I look at you,

I’m so glad, I was not your mom.”

Teddy got confused. Not sure if that’s a compliment or an insult.

She sized him up. “Why did you come to a business interview wearing that?

And—what’s with the laundry?!”

Teddy: “My work, this is what I do.”

The elevator dinged.

The woman marched him out, grabbed his laundry bags,

dumped them into an empty cubicle, and shoved him into a chair

before pulling up a computer screen.

“Okay,” she said, typing at lightning speed. “Here’s your application form.

Enter your details—this goes straight to HR.”

Teddy blinked. “HR??”

She continued, ignoring his confusion.

“We haven’t seen each other in years, but listen—you did review

the investment materials I sent to your mom, right?

If Cliff asks, just emphasize market benchmarks, portfolio risk, and

strategic rebranding as your core strengths. Got it?”

Teddy: “What??”

She side-eyed him. “Oh god. You didn’t read it, did you?”

Teddy stared at the screen like it had personally offended him.

How did he found himself in this fucking situation staring at a fucking computer.

The woman sighed so hard her glasses fogged up,

then took over typing everything herself.

Then—before Teddy could react—


She dragged him into a separate executive office,

yanked open a massive built-in wardrobe, and—


Teddy choked. “EXCUSE ME??”

The secretary yanked Teddy’s shirt off with the efficiency of a seasoned sales clerk

handling a clearance rack.

Teddy barely had time to yelp before her hands—swift and unbothered—skimmed

over his sculpted abs. She gave a thoughtful nod, like she was inspecting

a piece of meat at the butcher’s, then grabbed his wrist.

In one swish—POP, POP, POP!—she unbuttoned his pants.

Teddy shrieked.

He barely managed to slap both hands over himself,

face burning hotter than an overworked laundromat dryer.


The secretary huffed, unimpressed.

“Oh, don’t be so dramatic. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”

Teddy gasped. “WHAT?!”

She adjusted her thick glasses, sighing like she had to explain

long division to a five-year-old. “Honey, when you were little,

I gave you baths all the time. You were this big.”

She held her hand at knee level.

Teddy looked personally victimized. “But that’s not me now…I’m not that kid anymore”

The secretary ignored him, her gaze traveling down to

where Teddy was still clutching for dear life.

She raised a suspicious brow.

“Now, why are you covering up something I’ve already seen?”

Teddy froze. He did not like where this was going.

“P-people grow up! Things... change!”

She squinted. “I don’t think your size change though, seems like it’s still the same”

“What the Hellll????” Teddy’s soul left his body.

She shoved a fresh pair of underwear, pants, and a crisp dress shirt into Teddy.


Teddy like the guard was caught off guard.

Definitely, WTF.

The secretary clapped her hands. “Perfect! You’re a brand-new man!”

“Chop chop,” she ordered. “We’ve got exactly two minutes before Cliff sees you.”

Teddy opened his mouth to protest—but his voice betrayed him.

Did she also took it away from his control?

But something happened. Teddy saw a new person by the wall mirror.

This person is sleek, modern and all suited up like a whole-ass businessman.

Teddy almost scream when he realized- that person was him.

The woman grabbed a giant hairspray can,

unleashed a tornado of styling mist, and—POOF.

Teddy turned back toward the mirror.

This is not him. He didn’t recognize himself.

The laundry boy in sneakers was gone.

Standing before him was someone, more suited, polished.

A breathing Wall street with a hint of bleach scent.

Cliff’s secretary misted Teddy with a forest peppermint musk cologne.

She spits on her finger and to Teddy’s shock she added the final

polish on his hair.

“Perfect,” the woman declared. She shoved him out to the hallway,

and pushed open a huge conference door.

Teddy: “W-WAIT—”

Too late.

Teddy found himself inside the Conference room.

All eyes are on HIM.

He swallowed hard as he felt the thumping that emerged from his chest.

That woman’s misunderstanding took him to this moment.

Cliff stood at the head of the meeting table,

surrounded by his board of executives.

His gaze locked onto Teddy.

His jaw fell open.


Teddy gulped. “Cliff—I can explain.”

The executive secretary stepped out of the room,

did a full-on sign of the cross, and whispered,

Please, Lord, let my nephew pass this interview.

Inside, the room was dead silent.

Teddy started turning to run—

But suddenly—


His tie was grabbed.

It was Cliff’s hand.

Teddy was pulled forward—

Too fast.

He stumbled straight into Cliff—

Their lips—

Mere inches apart.

Teddy froze.

Cliff froze.

Every executive in the room evaporated from existence.

They all recognized drama when they see one.

And knowing Cliff they don’t want to be involved on his drama

or he can turn things around and make his drama, their drama.

Cliff’s gaze flickered over Teddy’s perfectly styled hair,

his crisp white collar, the faint trace of panic in his wide, brown eyes.

His grip on the tie tightened.

Teddy swallowed.

“…So,” Cliff murmured. “Laundry boy got a promotion?”

Teddy felt Cliff’s hand on his buttocks. He pushed him CLOSER.

Teddy’s ears went hot.

Cliff’s grip on his tie was firm, very firm.

Cliff’s eyes locked on him like a hunter cornering its prey.

"Did you come here for business, Teddy? Don’t lie, your suit tells all"

Cliff's voice was smooth, amused—like he already knew the answer.

Teddy, desperate to sound smart,

blurted out the first business term he could remember-what Cliff’s secretary told him


Cliff got confused. “Are you proposing a merger Teddy? because right now, the

acquisition is out of the question.”

He yanks Teddy tie again, his lips really dangerously

close to his.

"I—I propose a merger, whatever that means, I guess" Teddy declared

with as much confidence as a guy involved in a misunderstood situation could muster.

Cliff arched an eyebrow.

"A merger? That’s a big word for someone who, just couple of nights ago,

said—-kiss me whore" Cliff slightly rolled his tongue.

He’s teasing Teddy.

Teddy winced. Right. That.

"Okay, look," he said, taking a step back, " That was not me, I was drunk. I didn’t mean—"

But his foot caught on something. He stumbled, hands slamming

against something firm. Something rock-hard.


Cliff's chest.

Teddy's hands were on Cliff's ridiculously sculpted, gym-perfected pecs.

What’s going on? To Teddy’s shock he found himself touching

his chest. Feeling them up. HE LOST control of his own hands

that’s now traveling down Cliff’s abs, he’s FEELING HIM UP.

For a moment, neither of them moved.

Teddy was acutely aware of Cliff’s chest rising and falling under his palms.

The tension between them thickened.

Cliff’s gaze darkened slightly, as if daring Teddy to move first.

“Teddy——what are you doing?”

Teddy snatched his hands away like he'd touched lava.

"Uh—sorry! I didn't mean to grope you! I mean—I did grope you,

but not on purpose—my hand just slid"

Cliff tilted his head, looking downright entertained.

As Teddy tried to make another move,

his foot caught on the leg of a chair, and he AGAIN toppled forward.

Cliff instinctively grabbed him.

Teddy crashed right into him, knocking them both against the conference table.

Cliff leaned back slightly, palms braced against the surface, as Teddy hovered inches away,

straddling him in an entirely too-compromising position.

The tension in the room heighten.

Their sweat starts to INTENSIFY.

Even the room’s smoke detector recognized that something is steaming.

Teddy gulped.

Cliff smirked.

"Now, about this merger…" Cliff murmured.

"Do you mean…a merger of our lips?"

There was a beat of silence.


Teddy slid across the smooth conference table surface, folders and papers flying into the air.

Cliff is now on top of him.

Teddy gasped, back flush against the cool table, staring up as Cliff loomed over him.

Then—pop, pop, pop.

In one smooth motion, Cliff unbuttoned his own shirt.

Buttons flew.

Somewhere in the room, one hit the whiteboard with a tiny ping.

Teddy barely had time to process it before Cliff’s hands

moved to his shirt, yanking it open just as fast.

Teddy gasped again, wide-eyed. "Please don’t damage the suit, it’s not mine"

Cliff ignored him. He unbutton his pants and in one swish his pants is off.

Cliff is now only wearing a tight white brief.

Teddy froze. What the fuck, he is staring directly at

Cliff’s brief. And weird he can’t move his head.

What’s going on.

The next thing Teddy knew, his pants was off, and now he was down to his underwear,

Cliff hovering over him, their breath mingling, heat rolling between them.

The smoke detector can’t take the rising heat anymore, it clicks.

Cliff’s fingers brushed against Teddy’s cheek,

sliding down his jaw, tracing his collarbone, every movement slow. Deliberate.

Teddy shivered.

Cliff’s eyes softened, but his grip remained firm.

"You drive me insane, you know that?"

Teddy swallowed. Hard.

That’s when he realized, both their underwears are off.


The fire sprinkler system activated.

Water rained down from above, drenching them in an instant.

Teddy gasped, blinking water out of his eyes.

Cliff's wet hair clung to his forehead,

his shirt—well, what was left of it—completely transparent against his skin.

Teddy felt his skin against his.

The heat travels downwards.

He FELT him.

The entire moment is insanely dramatic.

Fresh from a Korean drama that made all moms cry.

But this time. It was Teddy.

Cliff slowly wiped Teddy’s tears “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?”

Teddy looks at him through wet lashes.

“No Cliff, you made me feel alive,

for years I’ve been buried under

piles of laundry. I forgot to breath.

But not tonight. Not right now. I’m breathing….

Cliff smiled, “in my love.”


Space Shuttle