Filibuster Prevails
The midterms can change things, and that’s just few months from now, really. The Republicans through their party state legislature members had enacted couple of laws that directly targets everyone’s access and abilities to votes from cutting down the voting hours, limiting the drop in ballots, rules on not giving any food or drink to voters that are in line, extra ID requirements. These measures are in place now in couple of States and these can affect the outcomes of the elections, not only on the state levels but also on national frontiers as well. The senate legislative tool, Filibuster is still in place, even if the Democrats has the abilities to ditch this move down the trash bin of US legislature history. But they won’t, or it seems they’re not drastically taking this move even if it’s pushed by the liberal and moderate members of their caucus. The thing with the Filibuster is that it empowers the minority party which right now by a single heartbeat, the Republicans. But it seems the Democrats are short on memory and reasoning, when Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away, one of her documented last wish is as told to her family member is for the administration at that time to pause the appointment of a new justice member to fill her seat, until after the elections. But right away the Republicans turned around and immediately filled her seat because they know this is the only point in history that they can appoint a conservative leaning member that can work for their priorities. Basically this is a slap on the face on the real purpose of the Filibuster which is to encourage debate, and reconcile the differences to find a common ground for agreement. Of course the Democrats also knew that they have members who eat Filibuster for dinner, meaning, this is where they draw the line. They won’t make a move and vote where their party stands. But the clock is ticking, next year, the Democrats may not have the House and Senate advantage anymore, that means legislative gridlock, or Obama 2.0 all over again.